RIMS International is a consultancy and services company, founded in 2002 and specialized in growing value from international research in the Life Sciences- and Health-Biotech/Pharma sector:


  • how to organize research (internal training in research management, help building partnerships)
  • how to finance research (securing public funding, including proposal/report writing and negotiation services)
  • how to maximize the value out of research (IPR valuation, licensing, spin-off creation).


RIMS can help you to find the appropriate funding mechanisms to achieve your project goals.




We have experience with both national, European and international funding opportunities, for both small grants for SMEs and academic groups, as well as funding for large industrial innovation projects.


For international collaborative R&D there are a multitude of funding possibilities ranging from global public funding bodies such as WHO, UN or many private foundations such as the Wellcome Trust or the Gates Foundation.


For European collaborative R&D, apart from funding from the European Commission (the current 80 B€ flagship program Horizon 2020), there are many other schemes too like EUREKA, INTERREG and COST.