Research & Innovation Management Services bvba (RIMS) is an independent service company for international research collaborations, valorization and technology transfer, including help with administration and training in international research management.




What do we do?

We specialize in helping you to grow Value from international research in the Life Sciences / Biotechnology sector together with your partners:


  • how to organize research programs (research management, academia-industry partnerships)
  • how to finance R&D projects (public and private funding, proposal/report writing, negotiations)
  • how to maximize the Socio-Economic Value out of research (Knowledge Transfer, commercialization)


RIMS can assist scientists and entrepreneurs with quality management: obtain professional help, to increase chances of successful funding and managers to get access to professional advice on commercialization opportunities. Rims is specialized in providing “how to” information on funding, creation of socio economic impact and on commercialization issues.